new new Office Order - Promotion from the post of Deputy Director to the post of Director in CFSL under the DFSS
new new Office Order - Promotion for the post of Assistant Director (Admin) at DFSS HQr, New Delhi
new new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group 'C' employee under DFSS
new new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group 'B' employee under DFSS
new new Office Order - Appointment of First Appelate Authority of CFSL, Bhopal and Pune
new new Office Order - Promotion on the Post of Senior Scientific Officer Gr. II (Biology)
new new Office Order - Appointment for the post of Deputy Director (Quality Assurance & Quality Control on deputation basis at DFSS HQ w.e.f. 05.09.2024
new new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Officers/Officials under DFSS Cadre
new new Office Order - Joining on the Post of Administrative Officer at DFSS, New Delhi
new new Office Order - Promotion on the Post of Assistant Director (Admin) at DFSS, New Delhi
new new Office Order - Joining of Dr. Jiju P.V. as Deputy Director (Forensic Science) at DFSS, New Delhi on deputation basis
new Office Order - Appointment of CPIO of CFSL, Hyderabad
new Office Order - Promotion order for the post of Scientist -B (Ballistics)
new Office Order - Promotion order for the post of Scientist -B (Documents)
new Office Order - Promotion and Appointment for the post of Assistant Director (Admin) in DFSS HQrs
new Office Order0 - Appointment of CPIO of CFSL, Chandigarh (updated on 16.05.2024)
new Office Order - Merger order of CFSL Delhi(erstwhile Cfsl cbi in DfSs)
new Office Order - Transfer Orders (updated on 28.11.2023)
new Office Order - Promotion to the post of Private Secretary
new Office Order - Appointment of CPIO of CFSL, Delhi (updated on 09.10.2023)
new Contact Details of Director/Internal Complaint Committee
new Order - Appointment of First Appellate Authority in CFSLs under DFSS
new Office Order - Transfer Orders (updated on 10.08.2023)
new Corrigendum in r/o Order of Grant of MACP in r/o Group - C employees dated 19.06.2023
new Office Order - Appointment of CPIO of CFSL, Kolkata (updated on 17.07.2023)
new Office Order - Transfer Orders (updated on 28.06.2023)
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - C employees (updated on 19.06.2023)
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - B employees (updated on 15.06.2023)
Corrigendum - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - B employees (updated on 28.06.2023)
Office Orders in r/o Constitution of Intenal Complaint Committee for the prevention of Sexual Harassment of women at Workshop (updated on 30.05.2023)
new Office Order - Appointment of CPIO of CFSL, Pune (updated on 07.02.2023)
new Office Order - Appointment of CPIO of CFSL, Delhi (updated on 27.01.2023)
new Office Orders - in r/o Constitution of Internal Complaint Committee for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment of women at workplace
new Office Orders - in r/o Appointment of First Appellate Authority of CFSL Delhi
new Office Orders - in r/o Promotions in DFSS Cadre (updated on 30.11.2022)
new Office Order - Appointment of CPIO, CFSL, Bhopal (updated on 31.10.2022)
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - A employees (updated on 27.10.2022)
new Office Orders - Promotion and Transfer in r/o officers of CFSLs (updated on 24.08.2022)
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - B employees (updated on 22.07.2022)
new Office Order - Allocation of additional charge of CFSL, Pune to Dr. Sukhminder Kaur, Director, CFSL, Chandigarh
new Finalized Seniority List of Director & Scientist-E in CFSL under DFSS, MHA
new Finalized Seniority List of Deputy Director & Scientist-D in CFSL under DFSS, MHA
new Finalized Seniority List of Assistant Director & Scientist-C in CFSL under DFSS, MHA
new Finalized Seniority List of Scientist-B in CFSL under DFSS, MHA
new Finalized Seniority List of Junior Scientific Officer in CFSL under DFSS, MHA
new In-situ Promotuion of Scientist-B to the Grade of Assistant Director & Scientist-C in CFSL under FCS of DFSS, MHA
new In-situ Promotuion of Assistant Director to the Grade of Deputy Director & Scientist-D in CFSL under FCS of DFSS, MHA
new In-situ Promotuion of Deputy Director to the Grade of Director & Scientist-E in CFSL under FCS of DFSS, MHA
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Sh. Suresh Babu, Deputy Director & Scientist D (updated on 17.02.2022)
new Standard turnaround time for reporting in cases referred to CFSLs for forensic investigation
new Office Order - Appointment of First Appeal Authority of CFSL, Hyderabad (updated on 17.01.2022)
new Office Order - Appointment of CPIO, CFSL, Kolkata (updated on 18.01.2022)
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - C employees (updated on 13.10.2021)
new Instructions for Submission of Representation by DFSS Cadre employees
new Transfer Order
new Nomination of Nodal Officer in respect of DFSS
new Appointment of First Appellate Authority of CFSL, Hyderabad
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - B employees (updated on 06.08.2021)
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - C and Group-C (Erstwhile Gr. - D) officials (updated on 06.08.2021)
new Office Order in r/o Appointment of CPIO at CFSL, Bhopal (updated on 28.06.2021)
new Office Order in r/o Transfer of Sh. Arun Kumar, Assistant (updated on 28.06.2021)
new Office Order in r/o Transfer of Sh. D. Kumar, Sci-B (Exp.) (updated on 28.06.2021)
new Office Order in r/o New Director-cum-Chief Forensic Scientist, DFSS, New Delhi (updated on 08.04.2021)
new Office Order - Appointment of Director, CFSL, Hyderabad (updated on 07.04.2021)
new Office Order - Appointment of CPIO of CFSL, Kolkata (updated on 11.02.2021)
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - B employees (updated on 11.09.2020)
new Office Order - Grant of MACP in r/o Group - C and Group-C (Erstwhile Gr. - D) officials (updated on 11.09.2020)
new Office Order - Grant of 3rd Financial up-gradation under the MACP scheme (updated on 27.10.2022)
new FAA CFSL Hyderabad (updated on 10.06.2020)
new Promotion to the post of AD (Admin) (updated on 26.05.2020)
new Transfer order (updated on 09.03.2020)
new Transfer order (updated on 06.03.2020)
new Transfer order (updated on 09.09.2019)
new Office Order - Grant of 3rd and 1st Financial up-gradation under the MACP scheme (updated on 01.08.2019)
new Office Order - Grant of grant of Annual Increment in r/o DFSS HQrs (updated on 12.07.2019)
new Office Order - Regarding ICC for the sexual harassment of women at workplace in r/o DFSS HQr (updated on 12.07.2019)
new Office Order - Grant of 3rd and 2nd Financial up-gradation under the MACP scheme (updated on 04.07.2019)
new Appointment of First Appellate Authority in r/o CFSL, Kolkata and CFSL, Bhopal (updated on 19.03.2019)
new Appointment of CPIO of CFSL, Bhopal (updated on 20.02.2019)
new Office Order - Grant of 3rd Financial up-gradation under the MACP scheme (updated on 18.02.2019)
new Office Order - Grant of 1st Financial up-gradation under the MACP scheme (updated on 15.02.2019)
new Posting in r/o newly in-situ promoted Scientist 'E' (updated on 13.02.2019)
new Transfer order (updated on 11.01.2019)
new Office Order - Grant of 3rd Financial up-gradation under the MACP scheme to Dr. N. S. Pandey, A.D. (Ballistics) (updated on 19.11.2018)